Programmed control systems are ubiquitous in the present-day world. In current educational practice, however, these systems are hardly being addressed, and little is known about children’s spontaneous understandings about such systems. Therefore, we explored pupils’ understandings prior to instruction in three concrete settings: a car park, an elevator, and an autonomous robot. We analysed written responses from 49 Grade 3 (aged 7 to 10) and Grade 6 pupils (aged 10 to 13) to assess their understandings from two perspectives: the user and the system programmer perspective. Results indicate that most pupils were capable describing programmed systems from a user perspective point of view but found it hard to describe the system programmer perspective. Substantial differences were found between the contexts. The car park context evoked richer descriptions for the user perspective and the system programmer perspective in comparison to the elevator and autonomous robot contexts.
Critical thinking is a fundamental skill for 21st-century citizens, and it should be promoted from elementary school and developed in computing education. However, assessing the development of critical thinking in educational contexts presents unique challenges. In this study, a systematic mapping was carried out to investigate how to assess the development of critical thinking, or some of its skills, in K-12 computing teaching. The results indicate that primary studies on the development of critical thinking in K-12 computing education are concentrated in Asian countries, mainly focusing on teaching concepts such as algorithms and programming. Moreover, the studies do not present a fixed set of critical thinking skills assessed, and the skills are selected according to specific teaching and research needs. Most of the studies adopted student self-assessment using instruments that are well-known in the literature for assessing critical thinking. Many studies measured the quality of instruments for their research, obtaining favorable results and demonstrating consistency. However, the research points to a need for more diversity in assessment methods beyond student self-assessment. The findings suggest a need for more comprehensive and diverse critical thinking assessments in K-12 computing education, covering different educational stages and computing education concepts. This research aims to guide educators and researchers in developing more effective critical thinking assessments for K-12 computing education.
The insertion of Machine Learning (ML) in everyday life demonstrates the importance of popularizing an understanding of ML already in school. Accompanying this trend arises the need to assess the students’ learning. Yet, so far, few assessments have been proposed, most lacking an evaluation. Therefore, we evaluate the reliability and validity of an automated assessment of the students’ learning of an image classification model created as a learning outcome of the “ML for All!” course. Results based on data collected from 240 students indicate that the assessment can be considered reliable (coefficient Omega = 0.834/Cronbach's alpha α=0.83). We also identified moderate to strong convergent and discriminant validity based on the polychoric correlation matrix. Factor analyses indicate two underlying factors “Data Management and Model Training” and “Performance Interpretation”, completing each other. These results can guide the improvement of assessments, as well as the decision on the application of this model in order to support ML education as part of a comprehensive assessment.
In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact of cooperative learning on the computational thinking skills and academic performances of middle school students in the computational problem-solving approach. We used the pretest-posttest control group design of the quasi-experimental method. In the research, computational problem-solving activities regarding 6th graders' goals of the "heat and matter" unit, were applied individually by Group 1 and cooperative learning by Group 2. These activities required students to use computational thinking skills and code using the Python programming language. The study involved 34 students from the 6th grade of a private middle school located in the capital city of Turkey. The Computational Thinking Test (CTt) and an academic achievement test were used as pre-tests and post-tests to monitor students' computational thinking skills and academic performances. Additionally, computational problem-solving activities were scored to track the progress of students' computational thinking abilities. Non-parametric Mann Whitney U and Wilcoxon T-tests were utilized to analyze the progression of pupils' computational thinking abilities and academic success, and ANCOVA was used to analyze CTt scores. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews at the end of the process to determine students' views on the computational problem-solving process. Results revealed a significant increase in students' academic achievement and computational thinking skills in both groups. A comparison of post-test scores showed no significant difference between groups. It is anticipated that the research results will make meaningful contributions to the literature concerning the progress of computational thinking skills in secondary school students.
When it comes to mastering the digital world, the education system is more and more facing the task of making students competent and self-determined agents when interacting with digital artefacts. This task often falls to computing education. In the traditional fields of computing education, a plethora of models, guidelines, and principles exist, which help scholars and teachers identify what the relevant aspects are and which of them one should cover in the classroom. When it comes to explaining the world of digital artefacts, however, there is hardly any such guiding model. The ARIadne model introduced in this paper provides a means of explanation and exploration of digital artefacts which help teachers and students to do a subject analysis of digital artefacts by scrutinizing them from several perspectives. Instead of artificially separating aspects which target the same phenomena within different areas of education (like computing, ICT or media education), the model integrates technological aspects of digital artefacts and the relevant societal discourses of their usage, their impacts and the reasons behind their development into a coherent explanation model.
Contemporary society is characterized by diversity and intricacy, necessitating more meaningful learning experiences. To meet these evolving needs, the incorporation of computational systems into education must acknowledge the distinctive characteristics of learners. Therefore, we conducted a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to investigate technologies that support the Learner eXperience (LX) design in computational systems. LX refers to learners’ perceptions, reactions, and achievements while engaging with learning resources, encompassing digital games, simulations, and multimedia. The SMS results uncovered distinct LX design technologies, with a noticeable inclination towards learner-centric strategies. Interestingly, the results highlighted a scarcity of research targeting non-traditional learning environments (e.g., technical visits) and that facilitate interactions among learners beyond their own classmates (e.g., industry experts). In this way, the SMS contributes by revealing LX design technologies, LX design elements, relevant constructs/theories, computational systems, environments, contexts, and other related factors, thereby enhancing the understanding of optimal learning experiences within computational learning systems.
As our society has advanced in the era of digital transformation, education has been transformed from knowledge-centered to competency-centered to solve future problems in the light of unpredictable changes and events in our lives. Programming education provides the basic knowledge needed, and fosters higher-order thinking skills in the process of generating and converging ideas to solve problems. However, in Korean elementary schools, it is mostly based on a lecture-based instructional design and focuses on knowledge delivery, which has limited the educational effects of programming. However, productive failure (PF) focuses on learning concepts in authentic problems, and lets the students generate different solutions and discuss them in an acceptable environment, with the result that they fail to solve the problem. Therefore, this study developed a PF-based educational program and tested it on sixth-grade students in a Korean elementary school. The results showed that the computational thinking (CT) and creative problem-solving (CPS) skills of the experimental group were significantly greater than those of the control group, with a medium effect size for CT and a high effect size for CPS skills. To generalize the results and increase the applicability, follow-up studies should expand the subject of the study, develop specific teaching guidelines for teachers, and invent various learning problems appropriate to the students’ level and different domains of learning.
This paper presents the first experiences of the use of an online open-source repository with programming exercises. The repository is independent of any specific teaching approach. Students can search for and select an exercise that trains the programming concepts that they want to train and that only uses the programming concepts they already know. Then, they can submit their solutions and get automatic feedback from the system. We analyzed quantitatively how students used the system by inspecting the logged actions of the students using the system. We also did a qualitative analysis by interviews, to find out how the students appreciated the use of the repository and to get feedback for improvements. We focused on how students select exercises as finding the exercise that fulfills the training needs of a student is the innovative part of our repository.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) topics into K–12 school curricula is a relatively new but crucial challenge faced by education systems worldwide. Attempts to address this challenge are hindered by a serious lack of curriculum materials and tools to aid teachers in teaching AI. This article introduces the theoretical foundations and design principles for implementing co-design projects in AI education, empirically tested in 12 Finnish classrooms. The article describes a project where 4th- and 7th-graders (N = 213) explored the basics of AI by creating their own AI-driven applications. Additionally, a framework for distributed scaffolding is presented, aiming to foster children's agency, understanding, creativity, and ethical awareness in the age of AI.
Teaching programming is a complex process requiring learning to develop different skills. To minimize the challenges faced in the classroom, instructors have been adopting active methodologies in teaching computer programming. This article presents a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to identify and categorize the types of methodologies that instructors have adopted for teaching programming. We evaluated 3,850 papers published from 2000 to 2022. The results provide an overview and comprehensive view of active learning methodologies employed in teaching programming, technologies, programming languages, and the metrics used to observe student learning in this context. In the results, we identified thirty-seven different ALMs adopted by instructors. We realized that seventeen publications describe teaching approaches that combine more than one ALM, and the most reported methodologies in the studies are Flipped Classroom and Gamification-Based Learning. In addition, we are proposing an educational and collaborative tool called CollabProg, which summarizes the primary active learning methodologies identified in this SMS. CollabProg will assist instructors in selecting appropriate ALMs that align with their pedagogical requirements and teaching programming context.