The paper presents graduates results in computer science testing according to their dependence from students’ gender, family socioeconomic status, and the type of prosperity of the locality of the school in Lithuania. It was found that the gender of the graduate does not affect the results in computer science test. However, the girls who chooses to take the Computer Science Matura Exam make up only 1/5 of all graduates. Meanwhile, the socioeconomic status of the student’s family, the way of travel to and from school and the type of locality prosperity systematically does affect the results of computer science test of graduates. The entire population of Lithuanian general education school graduates (N = 2208) who chose to take the Computer Science Matura Exam in 2023 was investigated. Testing was administered centrally using a standardized test. As a hypothesis the insights were formulated on how to improve the computer science didactic system in the country’s general education sector. On the basis of empirical data, conclusions and specific recommendations were formulated to improve the system of didactics of informatics in the field of general education in the country.
Problem-solving and critical thinking are associated with 21st century skills and have gained popularity as computational thinking skills in recent decades. Having such skills has become a must for all ages/grade levels. This study was conducted to examine the effects of grade level, gender, chronotype, and time on computational thinking skills. To this end, the study was designed to follow a longitudinal research model. Participants were 436 secondary school students. Computational thinking test scores were collected from the students at certain time intervals. Results indicate that computational thinking skills are independent of gender, time, and chronotype but differ significantly depending on grade level. The interaction between grade level and time of testing also has a significant impact on computational thinking skills. The difference in grade level can be interpreted as taking an information technologies course increases computational thinking. The results suggest that such courses should be promoted to children at a young age. The joint effect of gender, grade level, and chronotype were not statistically significant and it is recommended to conduct future studies to investigate this result.
The purpose of the study is to examine the moderating effect of age on gender differences in teachers’ self-efficacy for using information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching as well as possible variables underlying this effect. Following Bandura’s conceptualisation of self-efficacy, we defined teachers' self-efficacy as their confidence in performing specific tasks that require the integration of ICT into the teaching practice. The study was conducted via an online questionnaire on a sample of 6613 elementary and upper secondary school teachers in Croatia. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied. The findings indicate minor gender differences in self-efficacy for using ICT that are more prominent among older teachers and practically non-existent among younger teachers. These effects remain statistically significant after controlling for the type of school where the teacher works, perceived technical and professional support for using ICT in school, and frequency of use of computer programmes in teaching. The interaction effect ceases to be statistically significant after the introduction of length of computer use in teaching and/or attitudes towards computers in the model, indicating that these two variables have a role in low self-efficacy for using ICT among older female teachers. A similar level of self-efficacy for using ICT among young male and female teachers is an encouraging finding which could hopefully be followed by gender equality in other aspects of ICT use. The findings suggest that strategies for enhancing ICT self-efficacy should be particularly targeted at older female teachers. This study contributes to a better understanding of the underresearched topic of gender differences in teacher’s ICT self-efficacy.
The paper presents the part of research for determining the link between technical knowledge of Lithuanian youth and their independence in performing jobs connected with engineering. It has also been attempted to trace whether exists any difference in this respect between the groups of boys and girls. For the research sample, young people from secondary and adult secondary schools, vocational schools, business and technical colleges, as well as university students have been chosen. Tests on theoretical technical knowledge and applied technical knowledge and questionnaire ``Young people and engineering'' have been employed as assessment instruments. The research leads to the conclusion independence in performing technical jobs is an important in acquiring applied technical knowledge for boys, while girls are less influenced by it. Analysis of the link between theoretical technical knowledge and experience gained in this field leads to the conclusion that level of theoretical knowledge of independent girls is higher than that of independent boys.